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首頁入居者の声exchange culture & language heart to heart This is sharehouse in Nagoya!
exchange culture & language heart to heart This is sharehouse in Nagoya!
28 years old
iOS Application Developer
Tenancy period 2 months (Date of occupancy:December, 2015)

1. Why did you decide to stay in the share house(shared house)?

I was looking for a place to stay for an extended period that was more welcoming than a hotel . The atmosphere of the Sharehouse looked conducive to learning Japanese and meeting interesting people.

2. How do you spend the time in the share house(shared house)?

I spend most weekdays in the lounge area researching programming and learning Japanese. On weeknights and weekends, I like to hang out with the roommates here, go to restaurants, and explore Nagoya. I particularly like going to rock shows.

3. How did your lifestyle change?

I’m not used to having so many roommates, so it’s been nice being able to spend time with lots of different people on a weekly basis. I’m also learning how to cook simple meals, when normally I would never go to the grocery store or cook for myself.

4. What do you want to try and How do you see yourself from now on?

I’m hoping to continue learning Japanese when I return to America. I’d like to keep in touch with my new friends from the Sharehouse.

5. Message to people who are thinking about share house(shared house)?

I’d highly recommend living in the Sharehouse. Everyone here is kind, fun, and considerate. I’ve found it to be the most ideal place for extended travel.

精選 Share house


營業時間 09:00〜18:00(全年無休)

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